25/05/2012 16:35 Inpatient - Nursing Title:late shift Li's father phoned today asking for information about Li. I told him that I would have to speak to social services before I could give him any information. On speaking to social services I was asked to tell Mr. Harris to speak to Carly's...
KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 24/05/2012
24/05/2012 23:59 Inpatient - Nursing Title:Night Shift Li was at the nursing station at the start of the shift and asked if he could go to bed which was agreed. He was observed to be asleep from 22:00 and has appeared asleep throughout the night. - ---------------------------- Confirmed By...
KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 23/05/2012
23/05/2012 23:59 Inpatient - Nursing Title:Night Shift Li was in bed at the start of the shift and appeared asleep. At the check at 23:30 he was noted to have wet his bed. Staff woke him and encouraged him to change his pyjamas and his bedding was changed. Li could not understand why he had been...
KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 22/05/2012
22/05/2012 22:00 Inpatient - Nursing Title:Night shift Li has been nursed on intermittent observations this shift. He asked to go to bed as soon as night staff came on this evening and so went to bed at 21.00. He setled to bed and appeared asleep by 22.00 and woke once in the night to use the...
KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 21/05/2012
21/05/2012 19:35 Inpatient - Nursing Title:Late shift Li has been observed to be euthymic in mood throughout the afternoon and evening. He had his CPA meeting in the afternoon and handled it well. Following this he declined a 1:1, but said that he was happy with the outcome and had agreed to stay...
KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 20/05/2012
20/05/2012 06:52 Inpatient - Nursing Title:Night shift Li spent most of the evening sitting in the games room playing on the x box, he went to bed at 2200 and has slept throughout the night. - ---------------------------- Confirmed By ABromley@, 20/05/2012
KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 19/05/2012
19/05/2012 19:40 Inpatient - Nursing Title:Night Shift Li has presented as settled in mood and has not displayed any risk behaviours. He has spent his day playing on the XBox and listening to music in the lounge and spent some time asleep on the sofa. Li has made minimal interactions with staff or...
KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 18/05/2012
18/05/2012 19:55 Inpatient - Nursing Title:Late shift Li has been observed to be euthymic in mood throughout much of the afternoon and evening. He has not engaged in groups or education, choosing instead to spend time with peers in the communal areas. He has expressed being tired, and in the...
KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 17/05/2012
17/05/2012 23:59 Inpatient - Nursing Title:Night Shift Li was in bed and appeared asleep when checked at the start of the shift and when checked throughout the night. - ---------------------------- Confirmed By [email protected], 18/05/2012 17/05/2012 19:53 Inpatient - Nursing Title:late shift...
KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 16/05/2012
16/05/2012 23:59 Inpatient - Nursing Title:Night Shift Li presented as euthymic, he asked to go to bed at the beginning of the shift stating he would like to go to his room from the afternoon, he was encouraged to remain in communal areas for a bit longer. He went to bed around ten and was asleep...
KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 15/05/2012
15/05/2012 23:58 Inpatient - Nursing Title:Night Shift Li presented as happy and relaxed at the start of the shift, he expressed his relief at being taken off eye sight observations, saying he was glad to have some privacy. Li was aware that his level of observations depends on the risks he...
KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 14/05/2012
14/05/2012 23:59 Inpatient - Nursing Title:Night Shift Li presented as subdued and withdrawn, he went to bed around ten. Although restless at times Li slept until 06.10, tried to sleep after this but was unable to. Li was asked at 07.00 if he would like to get up but he decided to remain in bed....